
Baccarat Secret Pattern


The software is created to hack any secret code algorithm running on the Baccarat table. The Team of in excess of 15 specialist minds who have said to decipher the Baccarat calculation design codes have at long last demonstrated the capability of their Baccarat Strategy to the world. Discussions in this section are assumed to be EV- as they are outside of the Advantage Play section. For EV+ discussions, please visit the Advantage Play sub-forum.

Pattern recognition in this sense in baccarat does not work because no matter how many times the player has won, the odds of the game remain the same. Moreover, what you perceive to be a statistically important anomaly in the variance, for example the banker only winning 28% of observed hands, is a mere blip. Baccarat tips summarised. We reveal the top 6 baccarat tips and strategies for winning with baccarat. It is important to keep in mind that baccarat is a game of chance. A card counting strategy is not the best tip for baccarat as it will not improve your chances of winning. A competitive mind & body is a requirement to professionally play the game of baccarat and beat it on a consistent basis. The game is already mentally challenging so we need all the focus we can get. AVOID the pitfall of trending or pattern analysis.

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Like I did in my previous thread, I am here just to share an experience. I have been playing baccarat for a few years. And have been trying to find a way to beat the game for a long time. I've made over $500k and have lost over $500k (not including recent success). So I have been through the worst with this game. From using progressions, to waiting for triggers, card counting. Nothing has ever worked. Why? Why has always been my question......because when you bet player you have less than a total expectancy of 45% win rate and when betting banker, you have less than a total expectancy of 46% win rate. I know my math explanation is lame, but, basically, what I'm trying to say, is that it is a negative expectancy game. Which is not like I'm saying anything new....but I'm just saying.....you are betting into something that has odds against you every single hand. Doesn't matter what count you use, what trigger you use. If you are using any kind of betting pattern? You will lose. Ten players does not mean a banker will come. Ten bankers does not mean a player will come. The win expectancy is totally individual each and every single hand. And it is not effected enough based on what cards came out, or what cards are left, to get any higher percentage than the two I said above. Over infinity? However, banker wins 50% of the time. No one will live that long to see that. And, even if you did, you would STILL be behind, because of the banker commission.
If you want to beat baccarat? You HAVE to use flat betting. I have created something that is quite remarkable. It's hard to explain, but, the only way I can explain it, is that I am basically, fighting fire with fire. Baccarat is totally random. And, in that randomness, you have less than a 50% chance of hitting banker or player, over the long run. You have a better chance of hitting head or tails 50% of the time over the long run when you flip a coin. This is true because of the way baccarat is designed. Even 50/50, can't be beaten by progressions. HOWEVER.......baccarat uses cards. Cards, since they have a declining element, cannot be 100% random. Being that there are certain rules that create certain outcomes (stands, naturals, and then 6 card draws), a truly random element CAN BEAT a pseudo random element. This may not make sense to most, but, this is what I have created with my partner (my wife) to beat baccarat. We have, over the past 8 months, tested and tried a very effective flat betting method that has been generating us 30-80 units a day with a max draw down of 4-5 units at any given time. We've gone through many periods of winning over 20 hands in a row. I have never seen anything like that. And these win streaks are not on streaks of banker of player or chops, or twos, or threes....no, these are just streaks of winning hands period.
What is the secret to our success without giving away the system? Our bet selection is random. Our trigger is random. And our wagers are random. And all three of those change randomly. For random reasons. Nothing we do, has anything to do with banker, player, or the game itself. Yes. 100%, true randomness. And we bet every single hand. On paper? We're up over 1000s of units. In real live play? We're up a fortune. I'm not here to give away my system, sell my system,...I'm only here to share an experience to encourage certain things and share advice.
First, STAY RANDOM. Don't fall prey to patterns, simple triggers, banker/player tracking.
Second, don't ever use progressions. If you have to use a progression? Your system is a losing system.
Third, if you have to use 'triggers' that make you wait for certain 'conditions'? Then your system is a loser. You have to be able to bet on every single hand. This way? Your system will face all hand combinations.
Fourth, which is the most important one, TEST YOUR METHOD THOROUGHLY. Just because you beat a few hundred shoes that you recorded from your local casino, does not mean your system is a winner. Test your method against a simulator. A real baccarat random (rng) simulator. If your system, cannot stay positive, winning over 1000 units, flat betting, against a simulator? Then it will not work. Please people....this is VERY important advice. Too many times, people are in such a rush to use a system that has won fairly often enough in the casino. Listen to me when I say this......even if your system beats the casino shoes for a whole year....they can still lose. Here's why. Random results, force your 'system' to face more combinations, much sooner. It's like, putting the house edge in your face all the time. You can be in the casino, and not see enough hand combinations to really see the randomness of the game and the winning rate of the house edge for a long time. Due to weak shuffles, overlaps/clumps in the cards, ..etc. etc. This never happens with simulations. Simulations are harder to beat than live cards because they pit you up against the long term odds much more sooner than live cards. So please, test your method THOROUGHLY against simulations for a long time. And set a number. If your system can BEAT a random baccarat simulator and put you in the positive 1000 or more units? Flat betting? Then you have beaten baccarat.
I am willing to answer any questions. I have lost so much money playing baccarat before discovering what I have discovered and I have finally made all of my money back plus TONS more. I want people to win. But, I cannot reveal my system to anyone, for obvious reasons.
Using my advice, anyone can create their own winning system!
K sounds good

What is the secret to our success without giving away the system? Our bet selection is random. Our trigger is random. And our wagers are random.

Then you're losing right at the HE. Congrats.
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal
What is HE?
And thanks!

What is HE?
And thanks!

House edge. It;'s an incorrect statement though. You expectation is right at the house edge. However, actual results aren't expectation, as you actually have the results of a play (or series of plays). You can only compare to the expectation at that point and see if you are above or below, how far and whether that it is within the variance expected, given the model of expected bets you are using.
Best of luck.
'Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante' - Honore de Balzac, 1829
So basically you created a system based on being random? If your system is truly 'random', then by definition you don't have a system. You are betting randomly! Btw, betting randomly, progressively, or flat betting will get you to the same result in the long run. Please do not be deluded into thinking you have someway beat the casino with your random betting. You have experienced some good variance, and that is it. I have met my fair share of people who have told me they get good hunches to help them beat the casino and win $5000 or some other unrealistic goal. At the end of the night these same people are begging me for gas money. It's one of the reasons I try to avoid making friends with randoms at the casino.
Great point.
That's I suggest simulators for everyone to use. Don't waste any money until your method is thoroughly tested.
tl; dr
but your system's a losing one.
Baccarat Secret Pattern

So basically you created a system based on being random? If your system is truly 'random', then by definition you don't have a system. You are betting randomly! Btw, betting randomly, progressively, or flat betting will get you to the same result in the long run. Please do not be deluded into thinking you have someway beat the casino with your random betting. You have experienced some good variance, and that is it. I have met my fair share of people who have told me they get good hunches to help them beat the casino and win $5000 or some other unrealistic goal. At the end of the night these same people are begging me for gas money. It's one of the reasons I try to avoid making friends with randoms at the casino.

Baccarat secret patterns
I agree with you that I don't have a system. My system isn't a system, it's more like an approach. A method. A style. The only person that is delusional is the person who has won a few and believe they have a system. Like I said. My method has been tested over 17 hours a day, for about a year against random results and is up over 1000s upon 1000s of units before finally being used lived, flat betting every single hand. That's not just some good variance And, in live play? I've been making about 100 units a day. Max draw down, only 4-5 units. It's not good variance, trust me. Random can beat random, if used properly.
But don't believe me, test the theory yourself. I won't give you my system, but, the idea is sound! Test it! It will blow your mind and change the way people approach gambling forever. If you can beat a simulator, and with stand all of the 5 million or so baccarat combinations? You have beaten the game, not, just created some good variance.
Just think about what I have said. I bet every single hand. That means I am betting 72 hands per shoe, every single shoe. I'm not avoiding anything. I'm not hitting and running. I'm not using a progression. I am flat betting and winning long term. I have beaten the game. Random can beat pseudo random. And I have proven it.

tl; dr
but your system's a losing one.

Before assuming or casting judgments, test the theory my friend!
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Even if you consider yourself an avid casino gambler, you might not be all that accustomed to the game of baccarat.

Played in its full form — typically in a separate room adorned with a larger than normal table — baccarat can often appear as though it’s a game unto itself. A devoted group of diehards will regularly convene around the table and yet you won’t see many tourists casually strolling up to place a bet like they do in blackjack or roulette.

For whatever reason, baccarat has developed a reputation as an exclusive game reserved only for folks “in the know.” Some recreational gamblers report fearing overly complicated rules and procedures, while others are simply scared off by the high-stakes betting baccarat often generates.

In any event, you may not know everything a gambler should about this age-old card game.

If that’s the case, settle in to brush up on the basics by learning about five things you might not know about baccarat.

1 – Baccarat Is Much Easier Than It Looks at First Glance

First things first… you can’t learn about the intricacies of baccarat without knowing how the game is played.

If you’ve ever watched live baccarat being played in a Las Vegas casino, chances are you came away confused by the spectacle. Big bets are splashed out by boisterous players, those players take turns passing around the dealer’s “shoe” which holds multiple decks of cards a la blackjack, and every so often, somebody will slowly sweat the final result by bending their cards.

Throw in an overly intricate system of determining whether a third card is dealt out — a process known in baccarat circles as the “tableau” — and the whole scene can easily be off-putting to the uninitiated.

Here’s How the Game Really Works from a Layman’s Perspective

Baccarat is a pure game of chance based on nothing more than guessing which one of two hands will wind up reaching the total closest to 9. The game uses a standard 52-card deck of playing cards, but in most cases, you’ll be using a multiple-deck “shoe” which holds either six or eight decks.

In any event, the dealer delivers two cards face up to form each hand, which are known as the banker hand and the player hand. Each hand forms a total, based on the following card rank value system.

Baccarat Card Rank Values

Thus, a two-card starting hand like A-K would form a total of 1 (1 + 0 = 1), while a 2-7 would total 9.

In baccarat, the name of the game is reaching the total closest to 9. But unlike in blackjack, where hand totals can go over the goal of 21 to go “bust,” baccarat hand totals can never reach double-digits. Instead, they simply roll back over to 0 before climbing again.

That can admittedly be a bit confusing for a beginner, so here’s a rundown of how baccarat hand totals roll over.

Let’s say the banker hand gets dealt an 8-9, while the player hand has 6-7. In this case, normal card rank scoring would have the banker hand at 17, but baccarat doesn’t do double-digits.

Instead, we simply drop that 10-digit — or the left-most digit of the total — right off and toss it away. That leaves a 7 total, which is what 8-9 equals in baccarat. As for the player hand, 6 + 7 normally equals 13, but by removing the left-most digit, we get a total of 3.

In baccarat, a two-card starting hand that totals either 8 or 9 — the best number in the game — is known as a “natural.”

Depending on how the first two cards stack up for either the banker and player hands, the dealer may distribute a third and final card to complete their final total. This process relies on an overly complicated system of total comparison known as the “tableau” (which we’ll explore later on in a subsequent section).

But fortunately, only the dealer needs to know how the tableau is applied, so this process plays out automatically without you needing to do a thing.

To begin your actual baccarat session, you’ll start by placing a mandatory ante bet on one of two* primary choices — the banker hand or the player hand.

*We’ll discuss a third option, the tie bet, down below in the third section

From there, the dealer runs out two cards face up to the banker and player spots on the baize. After assessing each hand’s initial two-card total, they’ll apply the tableau to determine whether one or both, receives a third and final card.

Once the third card does or doesn’t come out, the banker and player hands are compared one last time, and the one with the closest total to 9 is declared the winner.


Yep, that’s right. Baccarat really is that easy.

Once you place that initial ante bet, your job at the table is done and over with. You just sit back and wait to see whether the hand you bet on, banker or player, winds up on top. No doubling down — or any decision-making for that matter — comes into play at any point.

If this gameplay dynamic feels a bit familiar, that’s probably because baccarat is really nothing more than a dressed-up version of the very first form of gambling — flipping a coin.

With two basic sides to chose between (other than the tie bet, which we’ll discuss in detail later), players simply guess between the banker and player hand before letting random cards decide their fate.

Now that you know how the game is played, let’s move on to the finer points of baccarat that every gambler should know like the back of their hand.

2 – The Banker Bet Is Slightly Better Than the Player Bet

Given the binary nature of baccarat betting — with either the banker or player hand taking the cake in the vast majority of deals — it might seem like both sides offer equal odds of success.

In reality, though, a caveat in the rules about drawing that third card creates a slight discrepancy in favor of the banker hand.

Baccarat Base Bets by House Edge

BetHouse Edge

Baccarat Base Bets by Win Probability

As you can see, the banker hand enjoys a slightly improved house edge of 1.06% versus 1.24% on the player hand. Accordingly, the banker hand will wind up producing a winner on 45.86% of deals, while the player hand wins slightly less often at 44.63%.

This difference results from the fact that the banker hand only takes a third card if the player hand draws one first. In other words, the banker hand “acts” last in the action, only drawing a third card when the player hand has already done so. And because the player hand will only take a third card when its two-card starting total is weak, the banker hand has an inherent advantage built in.

To balance this disparity in house edge out a bit, baccarat awards slightly different payouts depending on which hand you bet on. Wins on the banker hand are charged a 5% “commission,” which means you’ll bring back $0.95 for every $1 wagered. Meanwhile, a winning player hand bet pays back the full even money return of $1 for every $1 risked.

This commission element is yet another reason casual gamblers are prone to pass on the baccarat tables before they learn the game. But once you dip your toes in and actually start playing, the dealer’s deft ability to calculate commission-decreased payouts makes the process painless and automatic.

Even with the commission reduction taken into account, however, baccarat strategy still dictates betting on the banker hand at all times if you’re looking to play the game perfectly. Of course, actual human beings prefer to mix things up and play the field, so to speak, guessing based on perceived patterns from previous results.

But if you’re seeking to put yourself in the best possible position from a probability perspective, backing the banker hand is the best way to preserve your baccarat bankroll.

3 – The Tie Bet Is a “Sucker” Play That Should Almost Always Be Avoided

Now let’s take a moment to discuss that third option on the table — the tie bet.

Even after drawing a third card, the banker and player hands can wind up producing the exact same total. When the banker hand shows 3-4-5 for a 2 total, and the player hand has K-A-A for a 2 total, they’ve created a tie.

Baccarat enthusiasts often refer to ties by the slang term “stalemate,” but the concept is quite easy to grasp.

Anybody who bet on either the banker or the player hand will have their bets returned in a push, so the game essentially resets itself heading into the next deal.

When a stalemate occurs, though, you’ll see some players start whooping it up in celebration before collecting a pile of chips.

This is because baccarat allows you to wager on the prospect of a stalemate situation via the tie bet. When you hit on a tie bet, the dealer will award you a juicy payout of 9 to 1 on your money.

At first glance, the ability to recoup $9 for every $1 wagered might seem like a steal, especially when you think about how many two- and three-card totals will wind up equal in the end.

But after you consult the table below — which shows the house edge rate and win probability for baccarat’s tie bet — you’ll see why this wager has been deemed the ultimate “sucker” bet.

Baccarat Tie Bet House Edge and Win Probability

  • House Edge = 14.36%
  • Win Probability = 9.51%

As the table shows, the house edge on any given tie bet climbs to a staggering 14.36%.

To put that disadvantage in its proper perspective, consider that the tie bet represents 14 times worse odds than the banker and player bets. If you’re a basic strategy player in blackjack, your house edge of 0.50% is 28 times better than that faced by baccarat tie bettors.

Trying to smash a single number on the roulette wheel is only a 5.26% house edge situation — nearly three times better than the tie.

And even the folks chasing their dreams and burning money on the worst penny slots out there are only up against average house edges of 8-10% — significantly lower than what the tie wager offers.

All things considered, parting ways with any portion of your bankroll by betting on the tie is a fool’s errand.

4 – It’s One of the Fastest-Growing Games in All of Las Vegas

Recently, the human calculators who work for the Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) finished tallying the Silver State’s revenue numbers for 2018.

And in no surprise to gaming analysts, baccarat ranked among the biggest winners, as reported by the Associated Pressback in January.

Baccarat Secret Pattern Set

Nevada Casino Win in 2018 (By Game)

Penny slots$3.3 billion
Baccarat$1.2 billion
Blackjack$1.1 billion
Craps$386.4 million
Roulette$384.1 million
Sportsbook$301.0 million
TOTAL$11.95 billion

That billion-dollar baccarat performance marks a 4.7% increase over 2017’s revenue mark, a trend which has remained consistent over the last decade.

In a report entitled “Nevada Statewide Table Game Mix: The Evolution of Casino Games, 1985-2018,” David G. Schwartz and Courtney Nickson — statisticians at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) Center for Gaming Research — compiled revenue and unit* count data for baccarat and mini baccarat.

Nevada Table Game Mix and Revenue Count for Baccarat and Mini Baccarat (Since 2010)

YearGameUnitsRevenue% of Units% of Revenue
2010Baccarat249$1.19 billion 4.99%35.12%
Mini Baccarat123$75.34 million2.41%2.23%
2011Baccarat259$1.26 billion5.14%35.13%
Mini Baccarat130$89.72 million2.58%2.50%
2012Baccarat271$1.38 billion5.44%37.87%
Mini Baccarat130$86.15 million2.61%2.36%
2013Baccarat296$1.46 billion6.02%37.85%
Mini Baccarat135$100.51 million2.74%2.60%
2014Baccarat327$1.50 billion6.59%39.18%
Mini Baccarat137$89.58 million2.76%2.33%
2015Baccarat331$1.29 billion6.83%35.08%
Mini Baccarat130$100.65 million2.68%2.74%
2016Baccarat339$1.22 billion7.10%33.23%
Mini Baccarat123$90.39 million2.58%2.46%
2017Baccarat371$1.15 billion7.87%31.28%
Mini Baccarat115$80.50 million2.44%2.18%
2018Baccarat363$1.21 billion7.82%33.02%
Mini Baccarat125$79.54 million2.69%2.17%
TOTAL CHANGEBaccarat+114 +20,289+2.83%-2.10%
Mini Baccarat+2+4,205+0.28%-0.06%

Baccarat Secret Patterns

*Unit = Number of tables on casino floors; % of Unit = Percentage of tables and machines

Traditional baccarat has steadily broken the $1.1 billion revenue mark each and every year since 2010, topping out at $1.5 billion in 2014. Meanwhile, 114 more traditional baccarat tables have been added to Nevada casino gaming floors over that span.

The willingness of players to put down big bets on baccarat and casino operators to oblige them by spreading more and more tables has led the game to become one of Nevada’s fastest-growing verticals.

In their report, Schwartz and Nickson show how baccarat has grown from representing less than 2% of Nevada gaming back in 2000 to nearly 8% of the state’s casino scene last year.

Percentage of Nevada Table Game Density by Game and Year

20052.20%61.10%7.86%8.40% 20.44%
20083.68%57.72%7.51%8.74% 22.35%

In fact, baccarat’s 5.98% expansion in density makes it the biggest mover in all of Nevada gaming. Given its supposedly “niche” status, seeing baccarat at the top of so many critical performance evaluation lists is pretty surprising.

5 – The Third Card Tableau Is Easier to Grasp Than Most Players Realize

If you ask the average baccarat fan to explain exactly how the game’s third-card drawing rules are applied, you’ll likely hear a muddled mess of an explanation.

The so-called “tableau” of rules used to determine when the banker and player hands need to draw a third card is widely believed to be some sort of uncrackable code. Most players believe only the trained dealers behind the box know the secret, so they just sit back and let the cards fall where they may.

Baccarat Pattern List

But if you really want to know baccarat like the back of your hand, you should know the reasons why certain totals are compelled to draw one final card.

Here’s How the Baccarat Tableau Really Works

First off, if either the banker or player hand receives an 8 or 9 total — what’s known as a “natural” — both hands stand and take no further cards.

Assuming no naturals hit the felt, however, the tableau will be applied as follows.

The player hand always “acts” first, so if the player total sits at 0 through 5, a third card must be dealt out. And if the player hand is 6 or 7, it stands and takes no additional cards.

The banker hand’s draw decision is based on how the player hand “acted.” When the player hand stands and takes no more cards, the banker hand draws using the same rules as stated above. That is, after a player stand, the banker draws a third card with totals of 0 through 5 and stands on 6 or 7.

In cases where the player hand did draw a third card, the banker hand uses the following rules to determine whether it takes a third card of its own.

Banker TotalDraw Action
0, 1, or 2Banker draws third card no matter what player’s third card was
3Banker draws third card unless player’s third card was an 8
4Banker draws third card only if player’s third card was a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
5Banker draws third card only if player’s third card was a 4, 5, 6, or 7
6Banker draws third card only if player’s third card was a 6 or 7
7Banker stands

That last bet gets a bit hairy, admittedly, but all in all, the baccarat tableau isn’t all that difficult to get a handle on. And for the sake of player protection, knowing how the dealer is supposed to act on the cards is always helpful in cases where human error comes into play.


Baccarat boasts an unmistakable air of mystery to anyone who has yet to play the game. Maybe that’s because baccarat’s close cousin Punto Banco was James Bond’s game of choice in the classic “007” films, or perhaps players are simply fascinated by the unknown.

But while baccarat can seem overly complex to the naked eye, it’s really just a basic guessing game outfitted with a few bells and whistles.

That guessing game is pure gambling, though, which might just explain why so many people out there love to back the banker or the player with their hard-earned bankrolls.

Is There A Pattern In Baccarat


Baccarat Vase Patterns

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